Plumbing Services
The Building Act 2016 outlines the different categories of approval that plumbing work in Tasmania can be divided into, depending on the level of risk associated with that work.
While some plumbing works will be considered low-risk work that an owner or a plumber can do without approval, other works may be categorised as medium risk work that requires an application to Council for a Certificate of Likely Compliance only or a Certificate of Likely Compliance and a Plumbing Permit for high risk plumbing work.
The categories of plumbing work are determined at State Government level by the Director of Building Control.
A summary of these categories are as follows:
Category 1
Low risk work that can be undertaken by an owner.
Category 2A
Low risk work that can be undertaken by a licenced plumber.
Category 2B
Low risk work that can be undertaken by a licenced plumber with notification to Council on completion of work.
Category 3
Notifiable plumbing work. Work in this category cannot start until a Notice of Work and a design of the proposed work has been received by the Council. Upon receipt of a valid Notice of Work we will issue a Certificate of Likely Compliance (Plumbing Work) (CLC). Inspection of the work will be done in stages, which have been set out in the CLC as Mandatory Notification Stages. Work should not proceed past the Mandatory Notification Stage until permitted by Council.
Category 4
Plumbing work that requires a Plumbing Permit. Work in this category cannot start until a Plumbing Permit and a Certificate of Likely Compliance (Plumbing Work) (CLC) has been issued by the Council. Inspections will be conducted in stages, and work cannot proceed until each Mandatory Notification Stage passes inspection by Council Surveyor.
For further information, please check the Director’s Determinations – Categories of Plumbing Work (external site).
Before you do any form of plumbing work, we recommend that you review the Director's Determination - Categories of Plumbing Work or consult with Council to discuss any approvals that may be required for your work.
For applicable fees please see Council's Fees and Charges Schedule 2024/25
If you require further advice or information please contact Council's Building Department by telephone on 6426 4444 or email
Form 3 - Application for Plumbing Permit - CLC - Notice of Work(32 kb)
Form 60 - Start Work Notification and Authorisation - Plumbing Work(30 kb)
Form 71B - Standard of Work Certificate - Plumbing Work(31 kb)
Form 76B - Application for extension of duration of Plumbing Permit(27 kb)
Form 80 - Notification of low risk work Building or Plumbing(65 kb)