Squeaking Point Road Revamp

Project: Squeaking Point Road Revamp

Update August 2023:  Squeaking Point Road between Frankford Road and Applebys Road, a distance of 1.3km, will be rebuilt this coming summer period.

The project includes:

  • Widening to a 6.0m seal plus a 1m wide shoulder / verge area on both sides
  • Improvements to vertical shape, curves and transitions
  • Pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing
  • Correction of excessive crossfall and superelevation
  • Driveway, culvert and drainage upgrades
  • Signage upgrades including corner advisory speeds being more closely matched to a revised 80km/h speed limit

The required budget allocation to complete these works has now been secured and the design and tendering process is complete.  The works have been awarded to Treloar Civil and Quarries (previously Treloar Transport) and are currently expected to commence on site in the second half of September and will continue for approximately 3 months.