Contractor Engagement
All contractors, their employees and any subcontractors or suppliers who are engaged to perform works or deliver services within any worksite controlled by, or on behalf of Latrobe or Kentish Councils MUST successfully complete the online induction modules.
The induction is provided as a general guide and all contractors and suppliers must ensure that WHS legislative compliance is met through their own WHS management systems. The induction can be completed using a standard web browser and it will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
Kentish and Latrobe councils are child safe organisations. All contractors that will or may interact with children must:
- Comply with relevant legislation relating to working or volunteering with children;
- Provide an annual statement of compliance with the child safety checks; and
- Impose the same child safety obligations on subcontractors and suppliers.
To find out more information about your obligations visit the Office of the Independent Regulator by clicking here.
NOTE: Works must not commence until all relevant documentation requested below is received by Council.
Induction Process
1. Complete the Contractors Safety Compliance Checklist
Attach all relevant current copies of insurances, including public liability, workers compensation (where you employ a person coming onto site), motor vehicle/equipment cover, and professional indemnity (if applicable).
Copies of any relevant trade certificates, high-risk licences and Working with Vulnerable People Cards (if applicable) are also required.
2. Complete the online induction by clicking this link.
3. Save a copy of the Induction Certificate of Completion for your records.
4. Forward ALL the above documentation via
Email: or
Mail: WHS & Training Officer, Latrobe Council, PO Box 63, Latrobe TAS 7307
OR: WHS & Training Officer, Kentish Council, PO Box 63, Sheffield TAS 7306
The online induction will be valid for two (2) years however, you will be required to provide evidence of your insurances on an annual basis and updated licenses/accreditations upon renewal.
A site-specific induction may also be required for specific jobs/projects.
If you have any questions in relation to the induction, please contact Council’s WHS & Training Officer on (03) 6426 4444.
WorkSafe Tasmania –
Tasmanian Legislation Online –
Office of the Independent Regulator -