Gifts and Donations

Gifts and Donations Register

Latrobe Council is committed to being accountable and transparent with our community.

Council's  Gifts and Donations Register include instances where Councillors have received an aggregate monetary value of a series of gifts or donations in a financial year from the same donor which amount to $50 or more.

The Register will only be updated when declarations are made in accordance with Councillors obligations under the Local Government Act 1993 and the Council's Gifts and Donations Policy.

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2018-19

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2019-20

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2020-21

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2021-22

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2022-23

Councillors Gifts and Donations Register - 2023-24