On-site Waste Water Management

On-site Waste Water Management Systems

A suitably qualified environmental consultant must conduct an assessment of your site  and will recommend an appropriate  system (traditionally septic tanks, but now incorporating a number of alternative technologies).  Please discuss with your consultant any specific requirements you may have.

A Special Plumbing Permit constitutes an approval to use a system or device (e.g. a septic tank) and a plumbing permit is also required before installation can proceed.

A Special Plumbing Permit is needed in a number of circumstances such as:

  • a fixture located on a floor which is wholly or partly below ground level
  • a waste disposal unit
  • trade waste
  • drainage from a swimming pool
  • an inlet to a sewerage installation at a level which is lower than 150 mm above a declared drainage flood level for the land on which the sewerage installation is located
  • the retention of any plumbing product which does not comply with the Tasmanian Plumbing Code
  • the use of a product that does not comply with the Tasmanian Plumbing Code in a building of architectural or historical interest
  • the installation of an on-site wastewater management system in accordance with
    AS/NZS 1547:2000 on-site domestic-wastewater management
  • testable and registrable backflow prevention devices

On-site disposal systems must be maintained according to the Special Plumbing Permit. To obtain a special plumbing permit you must make application to the Council with the required documentation.

Council’s Environmental Health officer can be contacted by telephone on 6426 4444 or email at council@latrobe.tas.gov.au should you require further assistance.

Do you have a system already?

If so, you may wish to read the following information sheet on how to look after it:

Onsite Disposal System (Septic Tank) Information Sheet