Notification of Works - Tarleton Booster Pump Station Upgrade

Published 11th April 2024
TasWater plans to replace the existing pump station on Henslowe Street at Tarleton with a new booster pump station, this will enable adequate fire flow protection and water supply redundancy for the 33 customers in the Bucks Road water supply zone.

On Henslowe Street in Tarleton there is an existing pump station that supplies treated water to 33 customers in the area. This pumping station is to be made redundant and a new booster pump station is proposed across from Tram Road on Henslowe Road to improve the water supply to the catchment area.

The new location allows for a new building approx. 3 x 5 meters to house the booster pumps and associated equipment, including a new switchboard, with room for construction and operational access. Once the new pump station has been commissioned and is fully operational, the existing pump station will be decommissioned.

This important upcoming work will take place soon and TasWater will inform of the delivery dates and any water interruption impacts that may occur.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project please contact TasWater's Capital Engagement team, on 13 6992 or email